@article{oai:jrccn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000007, author = {渡辺, 有理}, issue = {27}, journal = {日本赤十字看護大学紀要, Bulletin of the Japanese Red Cross College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {40019664328, application/pdf, 本研究の目的は,習慣流産と診断された女性の,妊娠期の治療方法選択に至るまでの体験を明らかにすることである. 関東圏内に居住し,妊娠期に習慣流産に対する治療を行っている,または行ったことのある習慣流産と診断された女性4名に対し,半構成的面接を行い,質的に分析した. データ分析の結果,女性たちの体験として【医療者の理解の低さや施設の希少さにより時間を費やす】【インターネットをきっかけに仲間づくりを行う】【原因が分かり治療できる有難さを感じる】【できることは全てするという気持ちで決める】【過度に期待せず最悪な状況への心の準備を行う】【治療中に治療の再選択を迫られ手探り状態となる】【収入を治療費の足しにしたいが仕事どころではない】【周囲の理解を求め治療環境を整える】【看護者に相反する感情を抱く】の9つのカテゴリーが抽出された. 研究結果から,医療者の習慣流産に対する理解や協力によって,女性が検査・治療を選択できる環境を早期に提供される必要性が示唆された.また女性は,原因が分かり治療がある事の嬉しさや有り難さの半面,過度な期待をしないよう心の準備をし,人的・経済的環境を整えながら自分のからだと向き合っており,治療選択過程において揺れ動く女性の体験や思いを表出できる環境を整える必要性が示唆された., This study aimed to demonstrate the experiences leading to the selection of treatment during pregnancy for females diagnosed as habitual abortion. Semi-structured interviews and qualitative analysis were conducted on four females who lived in the Kanto region in Japan, diagnosed as habitual abortion, and were receiving, or had received treatment for habitual abortion during pregnancy. Their experiences consisted of nine categories: "wasted her time due to low understanding among medical staff and a scarcity of medical facilities", "found friends with the help of the internet", "determined the cause and realized the value of available treatments", "made the decision with the sense that everything that can be done would be done", "prepared herself mentally for the worstcase scenario without having excessive expectations", "faced with having to choose treatments again during treatment and groped around once more", "wanted to earn some money to make up for the treatment costs, but working was out of the question", "requested the understanding of the people around her created an environment for treatment", and "had contradictory feelings toward nurses". This suggests the necessity of providing an environment where women can select examinations and treatments at an early stage with the cooperation and understanding of the medical staff in regards to habitual abortion. In addition, they were glad and grateful that the cause was determined and that treatments were available; however, they prepared themselves mentally for the worst-case scenario without having excessive expectations, and confronted their physical condition while creating a personal and economic environment. Therefore, this suggests the necessity of preparing an environment where they can express their experiences and feelings which fluctuate during the treatment selection process.}, pages = {1--13}, title = {習慣流産と診断された女性が治療方法を選択するという体験}, year = {2013} }