@article{oai:jrccn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000033, author = {鈴木, 美恵子}, issue = {25}, journal = {日本赤十字看護大学紀要, Bulletin of the Japanese Red Cross College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 本研究はカンボジアでの国際保健助産実習に参加した大学院生の体験を明らかにすることを目的とした.実習に参加した大学院生3名を対象に,半構造的面接によりデータ収集を行い,質的記述的に分析を行った.結果,カンボジアにおける院生の体験から【カンボジアの現実を認識する】,【カンボジアの医療や看護教育を批判的に見る】,【異文化として承認する】,【カンボジアの人々に対して尊敬の思いを抱く】,【カンボジアの人々に親近感を抱く】,【日本の医療の現状や自分の生き方を問い直す】,【国際貢献への動機づけ】という7つのカテゴリーを見出すことが出来た. 院生は実習中,異文化看護と国際看護の両面の視点でカンボジアの医療現場を体験していた.実習終了後は発展途上国への関心を深め,何らかの形で国際貢献をしたいと動機づけられていた.この動機を行動化に結びつけるために,新たな授業科目設定の必要性が示唆された., The present study aimed to elucidate the experiences of graduate students who participated in international health and midwifery training in Cambodia. Data were collected from three graduate students who participated in training using semi-structured interviews and subjected to qualitative descriptive analysis. A total of seven categories were identified from the students' experiences in Cambodia, as follows: "recognize the reality of Cambodia", "critical perspective of medical and nursing education in Cambodia", "acceptance of different cultures", "respect for Cambodian people", "affinity to Cambodian people", "question the Japanese medical present conditions and way of life of oneself", and "motivation toward international contribution". During training, the graduate students experienced medical settings in Cambodia from the perspectives of both transcultural nursing and international nursing. Following the completion of training, students had a deepened interest in developing countries and were motivated to make international contributions in some way. These findings suggest the need to establish new courses for turning this motivation into action.}, pages = {75--84}, title = {カンボジアでの国際保健助産学実習における大学院生の体験}, year = {2011} }