@article{oai:jrccn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000214, author = {喜多, 里己 and 谷津, 裕子 and 新田, 真弓 and 神谷, 桂 and 平澤, 美恵子}, issue = {21}, journal = {日本赤十字看護大学紀要, Bulletin of the Japanese Red Cross College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {110006981074, application/pdf, This study addressed the ethical issues in perinatal nursing, with the aim to examine hownurses acquire learning experience through participating in serial group discussions held based on Thompson and Thompson Model. The study method was based on a qualitative induction design. Six case study meetings were conducted using the Thompson and Thompson Model. After each meeting, a questionnaire survey was conducted through holding a discussion group. Then after completion of all the case study meetings, a review meeting was conducted and the contents were recorded on tape. From the contents of the questionnaire surveys and the data of the review meeting, the contents concerning learning experience of participants in the study were extracted and analyzed inductively. The following 6 categories were extracted: “overlap with own experience but feel reassured that there are steps”, “by matching the steps with the cases and reviewing them carefully, the meaning of the steps becomes clear”, “critically re-examine oneself and the medical personnel from the standpoint of each person in the cases”, “by carefully re-examining the situation of the cases, learn where to look for the process that gives rise to problem”, “feel the importance of being able to discuss unrestrictedly with participants in different capacities”, and “after the meeting, go through the process of the discussion group again and organize one's own thinking by coming face to face with oneself”. Our results suggest that by using the Thompson and Thompson Model, case studies can be conducted more easily and the ethical principles can be comprehended more profoundly.}, pages = {14--23}, title = {周産期医療における倫理的問題に関する看護者の学習体験 ─継続的なグループディスカッションを通して─}, year = {2007} }