@article{oai:jrccn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000019, author = {宮内, 清子}, issue = {26}, journal = {日本赤十字看護大学紀要, Bulletin of the Japanese Red Cross College of Nursing}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 本研究は,中高年女性に多いとされるシェーグレン症候群という難しい疾患の診断を受けることで患者らの生活がどのような影響を受けてきたのか,病気にどのように向き合い,受け入れて行ったのかについて,インタビューによって当事者の思いを明らかにすることを目的とする.方法は,半構造化インタビューを用いた質的記述的研究を行った. その結果,30歳代から70歳代の8名の女性から協力を得た.診断を受けて受け入れまでの体験として困難を乗り越える期間があり,その期間に【信頼できる医療機関にたどり着くまでの非常な努力】を体験し,【周囲の理解不足とストレス症状】【周囲の理不尽な反応と疎外感】における思いがあったことを語った.その後,病気と向き合うという受け入れの心境として【症状への対処法の構築】が出来,【生活のしづらさの工夫と新しい生活】が出来るようになっていた.シェーグレン症候群を抱える女性達の【ニーズに合った身近に思える付き合い】が受け入れに大きな役割を果たしていた., This study aimed to determine the view of patients diagnosed with Sjögren's syndrome and understand the type of difficult situations experienced by these patients. The study had a qualitative descriptive. And involved 8 women who had Sjögren's syndrome and belonged to different age groups ranging from the 30s to the 70s. These participants underwent semi-structured interview. The data from the interviews indicated that these patients took some time to get over the difficult experiences encountered as a result of ill acceptance. For a considerable period of time, these women required a great effort to arrive at the medical institution. Moreover, they were troubled by symptoms and stress symptoms that were not understood by other people. Furthermore, there were other unfair responses and a sense of alienation. We became a disease perception reception, they understood the actions to be taken against a particular symptom and devised their lives accordingly. Their disease perception reception accomplish an important a large role by that were able to understand the needs of the women with Sjögren's syndrome.}, pages = {51--59}, title = {シェーグレン症候群患者の疾病受容過程における思い}, year = {2012} }